Albert Russo
Standing Chapter 13 Trustee
Administering Chapter 13 Cases for the Trenton Vicinage of the District of New Jersey
Welcome to the Trustee Meeting portal. Please select your party type:
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Abrao, Fabricio
Allen Jr, Anthony Lee
Barnes, Gerald Edward
Bernard, Delbert L.
Bernard, Nicholas Aaron
Blakely, Debre G.
Bolibekova, Lola
Bologna, Jeannette
Brown, Sheryl L
Ehraz, Ali
Grant Sr., Darnell S.
Gregg, Stephanie
Guzman, George
Henar, Carl T.
Jones-Terrell, Andrew D.
Maldonado, Katherine
Maltby, David L.
Mangelli, Nicholas
Martin, Daryl
McBee, Kimberly A.
Nagy, Christine
Polynice, Christine
Reyes, Lawrence L.
Salerno, Toni M
Schaefer, Mae S.
Schiavone, Elaine D.
Sharpley, David A
Tabb, Stanley
Tomasulo, Agnes
Vazquez, Maria del Rocio
Wachter, Lorraine A
Yip, Wing S.
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